4 Tips on How to Be Noticed
Today I will teach you 4 simple things that you can do and say and explain how to say it in order to be noticed. These tips will work if you are in a bar, with a group of friends, at work or if you are selling your services and want to be noticed by your potential clients.
How to Be Noticed – Tip #1 is Motion
Motions create emotions. When you are talking to a person, move your arms, create space under your arms. Here. Just move your arms side to side, up and down, forward and back. The motions create emotions around you, the motions create energy around you. The motions create vibes and people WILL notice you.
For example, if you are at the bar and you are standing still, then probably you won’t be noticed unless you are a supermodel. But if you are moving, dancing, talking, using big gestures, you WILL be noticed.
If you are selling a product, add some body movement. Move your arm, your head, your body. Be in tune with your body and create a magnetic energy that will draw people towards you.
People WILL pay attention to you. Do not jump like a crazy person, but if you want to be noticed, exaggerate your regular body movements a little bit: the movements of your fingers, your shoulders, your head, and your eyes. Use any options that you have.
How to Be Noticed – Tip #2 is to Be a Positive Judge
What do I mean by that – find at least one good quality in a person whom you are talking to. And make sure to focus on it. Do not flatter them. If you flatter, people will catch it eventually. Try to use short phrases, the shorter- the better. It can be something as simple as: excellent choice, or great idea, or great job, but try to be more specific if possible. You can say “Great haircut” or “Nice outfit”, or “I love your sense of humor”.
This way you create a positive connection between you and another person. The other person will be drawn to you because you recognized something to admire in them.
And who does not want to be surrounded by people who think that you are great: a great friend, a great co-worker, a great neighbor, or a great partner?
How to Be Noticed – Tip #3 is to Speak Loud and Clear
Express your emotions with your voice. Use your intonation, raise your voice or lower it down, make it faster or slower, make it stronger or softer. Play with your voice, play with your tempo. Use it to incite feelings and create emotions.
People are always attracted by positive or negative emotions. Emotions are what every person is attracted to, whether it be in person, on TV, in movies or in stories.
Movies without drama are boring. Don’t be afraid to show your feelings. Emotions are what makes us to connect to each other.
How to Be Noticed – Tip #4 is to Speak Without Words
Now I will talk about interactions with people who are not in your circle of conversation. For example, you are walking on the street and there is a person on the other side of the road. When that person is looking at you, nod your head, or just smile or wave your hand.
If you are driving and someone lets you go in front, nod your head and say thank you with your lips. This way you create a habit of talking comfortably to any person and feel confident interacting with people that you don’t know. Your self-esteem will go up, and your self-confidence will go up. People will notice you and will be drawn to you.
Create a habit communication with unfamiliar people. This habit that will bring lots of benefits in different scenarios in your life.
For example, when you start a new job where you don’t know anyone. You already have a habit of talking to strangers using your gestures and your body language. You can easily create an invisible connection with new co-workers by nodding your head, waiving your hand, or simply by smiling.
And it will come naturally to you because you will have already made it a habit.
You have to practice making connections not only with people who are in your close circle, but also with everyone around you: co-workers, neighbors, bank tellers, cahiers in stores and everyone else.
Let’s summaries…
There are 4 Tips on How to Be Noticed
Tip #1 – motions create emotions. Move your arms, legs, head, shoulders, and be dynamic.
Tip #2 – be a positive judge. Give people compliments, tell them what they do best, tell them what you like in them, do not flatter, but be honest.
Tip #3 – use your voice, and the intonation to express your feelings and emotions.
Tip #4 – create a connection with everyone around you. Use your gestures, use eye contact, use your head, your hands, your lips. Use any options that you have.
In a short period of time, not right away, but after practicing, people will notice you, and will be drawn to you.
Let me know in the comments, which tip do you like the most? I would like to hear your opinion. Share your feedback with me. I would really appreciate it.
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