Today we will look at emotions from a spiritual and psychological perspective. I will show you how our emotions can not only destroy us from the inside, but also harm our relationships and the world around us.
What Are Emotions?
Emotions are energy and that energy should go somewhere. When you suppress your emotions, you suppress a huge charge of energy. When I tell my clients during private and group sessions that our emotions can ruin our health, people have difficulty understanding this statement.
Today I am going to explain to you in detail, how your emotions can not only make you feel bad mentally, but also can harm your body, destroy your health, and ruin your entire life.
How Do We Suppress Our Emotions?
In most cases we suppress negative emotions, like anger, jealousy, fear, guilt, shame, etc. We are collecting these negative feelings inside of us, and this energy is destroying us from within.
When you suppress your emotions you tense your body, creating tension in your muscles and joints. Within time your body loses flexibility and you feel pain more often.
When you suppress your emotions, you begin to a eat a lot of junk food and sugary food. Within time you gain weight, develop diabetes and heart disease.
When you suppress your emotions, you are destroying not only yourself but the world around you. You are damaging your relationships and everything around you. Emotions are vibrations. When you are angry people can feel it even if you say nothing. When you are upset people can read it in your body language. When you jealous, people can see it in your eyes.
Emotions create vibrations that other people can read right away. When you are suppressing your emotions, you are keeping all the energy within but it is not possible to hide the vibrations. Even if you say nothing, even if you pretend that everything is ok, people can sense that something is not right. People can feel when you are closed off and trying to hide something. This energy is not only destroying you from the inside, but people on the outside can feel it too.
Also, the law of attraction says that the universe must match the vibrations that we generate.
We all have the right to feel angry, sad, or jealous… we are all human. But instead of suppressing these emotions we should allow ourselves to feel them and express them. By doing this, you will transform this destroying energy into a healing energy. At the end, you will feel relieved and free.
How To Express Your Emotions
It is a 2-step process. You need to allow yourself to feel your emotions first and then you can express them.
In order to allow yourself to feel your emotions, you have to let yourself be vulnerable. Vulnerability can be very difficult, especially for those who are used to appearing independent and confident. Vulnerability can hurt. Some people can use it for selfish purposes. That’s why it is important to push away toxic people from your life. Even if these toxic people are your family members you need to minimize your contact with them.
Being vulnerable can be very risky. But if you don’t follow this path, your emotions will destroy you, your relationships, and your life.
When you become vulnerable, you become yourself. When you take off your social mask, you’ll become real, a beautiful soul that expresses light. And by law of attraction, you will attract similar people. You will attract people who want real connections, who will value and respect your vulnerability. Only then will you realize that being vulnerable is being powerful.
Once you connect to your true self, you will gain your confidence back, true confidence, not the mask that you showed before as a coping mechanism.
When you allow yourself to feel your emotions, you can name them, and you can tell other people how you truly feel. You can share your fears and challenges. By admitting your emotions, you are inviting another person to open up. This will create a deep emotional connection and profound relationships.
First you need to go through your fear of being judged and misunderstood. Once you express your true emotions, you will experience regret and sadness. Acknowledging your feelings will take you to the next step of emotional support, care, and love.
The other person might say, “I really do care about you.” and offer you some support or ideas to help you to solve your problems. That’s the natural progression of how humans connect to each other. We tune into the real emotions not the fake one that we are using as a protective mask.
Write in the comments below 3 emotions that you often suppress because you are afraid to express them, or maybe something that you feel is socially unacceptable, or maybe you just don’t know how to express them. Do it right now. Write them down in the comments. This will be your 1st healing step. Do not let these emotions harm your body and destroy you from the inside.
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