I used to live in anxiety for years without even realizing it. I started smoking in high school and quit only a few years ago. Quitting smoking was one of the hardest things that I’ve ever done. Every time I tried to quit, I failed again and again. Smoking was my coping mechanism to deal with anxiety.
When I quit smoking, within a year I gained 14 lbs. Overeating became my coping mechanism to deal with anxiety.
After deep research around emotional eating, I finally realized and admitted that I was an extremely anxious person. I was suppressing my emotions with cigarettes and food. Today, I cannot say that I am 100% free from anxiety, but I am a 100% different person than I was when I was smoking and overeating.
So, how to stop being anxious.
Medication was not an option for me. As a therapist, I understand that medication helps to suppress our feelings and emotions. I didn’t want to switch from cigarette or food addiction to medication. Any medication can bring harm to our body. My goal was to heal my body, my mind, and my soul, and not to bring more potential harm.
Every time you take a pill, your body compensates for the presence of that chemical within your system. As a result, your brain stops producing the chemical, that you are taking via that pill, which created an addiction towards that chemical. Therefore, you body is not able to deal with anxiety without the pill anymore.
There is only one way you can get rid of anxiety and a million methods of doing it. The way to get rid of anxiety is to relax! Sounds simple but it is extremely hard to do. When you worry about your family and somebody tells you to relax, how easy is it for you? When I hear something like that, I get angry. In my opinion, telling someone to relax is the worst advice to give in an emotional situation.
When you are in a situation where you may lose your income tomorrow – how easy is it for you to relax? When you hear that people are dying from Covid around the world, can you truly relax?
There is only one way to get rid of anxiety – you have to learn how to relax.
There are millions of methods of doing it: review your limiting beliefs, work on your fears, evaluate your social circle and probably say “goodbye” to some of your friends, create healthy boundaries with your family members, find a stable and secure job, create a healthy daily routine, exercise on a daily basis, eat healthy, do some mental work, such as meditation and visualization exercises. Connect to your true self and accept yourself truly. Stop blaming your parents for what they did or didn’t do. Stop blaming your ex.
It is a long journey but let me tell you, honestly, that I do not regret working on myself, not even a small bit. Every step that I did, every guided meditation, every exercise, every time that I faced my fears, the benefits were amazing.
I am healthy, I am content with my life, I am happy in my marriage, I do the work that I love. Yes, I still have some challenges and I am going to overcome them one step at a time. And I encourage you to do the same.
That’s why I created my YouTube channel Psychology of Happiness. It is my pleasure to share with you my knowledge and my experience. Do not hesitate to ask questions. I am here to help you to become happier, healthier and enjoy life to its fullest.
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