About Online Group Therapy
Group therapy is a very effective and affordable (compared to private consultation) type of therapy. During therapy, you will emerge into the healing atmosphere of trust, care, and support which we often lack in our lives. You will learn how to get in touch with your Inner Child, connect to your true feelings, overcome your fears and limiting beliefs, and work on your personal boundaries. Group therapy will help you to understand yourself better and create healthy, happy relationships in your life.
Topics We Work On
One of the most important topics that we work on during online therapy is relationships (including relationships with ourselves and with our loved ones). We focus on the relationships with parents because our parents create the foundation for our beliefs, fears, and provide the “blueprint” for our lives. Group members work on their self-esteem and learn to fully enjoy their lives. All topics and all questions are welcome. Everyone’s opinion matters, respected and being heard.
Methods We Use
In group therapy, we use a variety of techniques: art therapy, family constellations, initiation therapy, guided imaging, NLP, and bodily therapy.
Terms and Conditions
- 100% Confidentiality
- Respect for each participant
- Non-judgmental attitude and lack of criticism
How to Sign Up
We meet every other week online. Each session is 60 minutes.
Group therapy is Free for Platinum members of our Happiness Club. If you are not a member but want to try our group therapy, just contact us by email and we will be happy to offer a few options.
To sign up for group therapy – send your request to Info@ElenaSemenek.com