Sex is something that we do, and sexuality is who we are.
4-week workshop
Week #1: Working with the Inner Father Figure.
As we have different roles in life (a mother, a daughter, a friend, a manager, etc.) we also have different parts of us inside. We have our inner child, our inner Mother, and our inner Father. Although we cannot change how our real parents treated us in our childhood, we can work with our Inner figure (or inner parts) and give ourselves what we did not receive in our childhood.
The first week will be dedicated to healing our relationships with our Inner Father, to experience love, protection, support, and blessing from the Inner Father figure.
Week #2: Elements of Female sexuality
This week will be dedicated to healing your femininity and accepting yourself fully. You will work with 4 archetypes: A business woman, A mother, a girl, and a geisha. You will be able to connect to each of those archetypes and I will teach you how to find a balance between them.
Week #3: Overcoming Negative Family Programs and Dependency of Approval from the Society.
In order for a woman to be feminine and express her sexuality, she must free herself from negative family beliefs about sexuality and feminity. She should allow herself to be who she is without feeling scared or ashamed. She should fully accept her body and herself.
A woman should overcome the dependency of social approval. She is, who she is. She does not need social approval to feel good.
Week #4: Parental Blessing
If your Mother and Father never told you that you are beautiful, that you deserve a good man in your life, that you are smart and can have a successful career, that you are kind and compassionate and deserve to have good friends around you… then you did not receive a parental blessing for happiness.
On week #4, we will do blessing initiations, and you will receive the blessing from your Inner Father and Iner Mother to create the life that you truly want.