What is Art-Therapy?
Art-Therapy is considered one of the safest forms of therapeutical work that can create miracles. During the drawing people are able to release negative feelings and emotions that they have carried inside themselves for years as a heavy burden.
Why Art-Therapy is So Effective
The healing process takes place on several levels at once:
1. Mobility – you are drawing a picture physically using the tools that you pick: Coloring pencils, paintbrushes, magic markers, etc.
2. Memory – while drawing, you are immersing yourself in a light trance mode, the time pauses, and, very often, your significant memories and feelings that were previously hidden from you begin to release into your memory. Those memories help you to understand yourself deeper and heal yourself better.
3. Vision – when you are drawing, you are not just creating a picture, you are creating a story of your life. It is like you are watching a movie that leaves a deep imprint in your psyche. That makes the healing process quick and effective.
4. Emotions – during the drawing, you are immersed in an invisible field of feelings and emotions, you are living through every element of your picture.
5. Awareness – as the result of my feedback and decoding of your picture, you begin to understand the meaning of your picture. Therefore, you can deeply connect with your Inner Self, overcome your fears and anxieties, and find your inner strengths, and divine power within yourself.
People say that art therapy brings miraculous results.
The healing process goes smoothly and most participants can experience the changes in real-life instantly!
What the Participants of my Art Therapy Classes Have Said:
1. I became much calmer.
2. My husband stopped annoying me, I don’t even remember why I was so angry with him.
3. I began to sleep better and fall asleep faster.
4. I lost 6 lbs during my first marathon. It’s better than any diet or exercise.
5. My relationship with my adult daughter improved so much! She calls me more often and tells me that she loves me.
6. I was able to fix my financial situation and get a promotion at work that I had been wanting for 2 years.
7. The headache that I had been suffering from for the last 20 years disappeared. I’ve never felt so good in my life!
Try it yourself now! Watch the video below!
? Decode your drawing here: https://www.facebook.com/esemenek/photos/a.419489181822309/898796057224950
Ready to Join?
You can join our group sessions, sign up for a private session or do both!
Private Sessions:
We meet once a week and discuss the topic that you will work on the following week. You receive your homework (what to draw for the following week). Next week, we meet again, discuss your drawings and you receive new homework. Every week you can work on a different topic: self-esteem, relationships, inner child, inner critic, self-love, money, etc.
Each private session is 25 minutes long.
To sign up for a private session: Send your request to Info@ElenaSemenek.com
Group Sessions:
We meet every other week online. Every week, you will be asked to draw a picture on a specific theme (for instance, draw a flower). You will also learn the symbolic meaning of that image (for example, a rose is the symbol of femininity).
- You draw one or multiple pictures of the symbol (one is the minimum, there is no maximum).
- You submit the photo of your latest picture to me.
- We meet as a group. During our group session we will do the decoding of your drawings. I will help you to understand your drawing, and use it for self-healing!
To sign up for the group session: Send your request to Info@ElenaSemenek.com